Pittenweem Arts Festival 2018
August 2018
A huge thanks to everyone who came and visited Genna Delaney and I at our Exhibition. It was another fantastic year of meeting lovely folk and sharing and talking about my work. Looking forward to next year!
Funaday Exhibition 2018
Dundee has been participating in the Fun-A-Day project since 2011. The premise is simple: pick a project (take a photograph, make the bed, draw a picture, bake a cake, etc) and do it every day in January, then show your work the following month in a big group exhibition.
Fun A Day Dundee has seen an increase in participants taking part in this self- directed, community based project every year. We are now in its 7th year and have record numbers, with 60-70 people committing themselves to having fun every day in January (or as close to it as possible!)
Our project finished at the end of January, and we will be exhibiting all the participants efforts at WASPS Studios, Dundee, on Friday evening at 7pm, and Sat & Sun 10am - 7pm. We will have live music on the opening night by participant; Ed Muirhead as well as our popular sweetie pick n' mix too!
To get an idea of what's in store, follow this link: https://funadaydundee.wordpress.com/2018/01/19/projects-in-motion/
Free, & family friendly, we'll see you there!

Rude Turkey

Hand Finished Giclee Prints - Gifts for Christmas
'Tis the Season! Our WASPS Christmas Fair was very successful and buzzing with folk, our busiest and best yet. I sold out of my Rude Turkey Christmas cards ( see below image). And a few small Hare and swallow originals leapt off the shelf. My prints were very popular, especially the hand finished one, a dash of glitter, a sprinkling of gems and a swish of gold leaf makes them individual pieces. It was great fun embellishing the prints because, it gives me a chance to try out lots of the ideas that I couldn't with the original drawings. It also gives each piece a unique touch for the owner too. If you are after a print of any of the work you see on my website, please just get in touch. Instagram is also a great way to follow me in my day to day drawings. So make sure you click on the social media links above. See you soon! Jenx

WASPS Christmas Sale 2015
Just writing to invite you along to our fabulous Christmas Sale, where you can buy my work. I have been busy making a range of work to suit all budgets, including my new prints of popular works like the 'The Blue Hare', blue hair drawings and my horses, portraits and wolves too. Some of the work is hand finished with a little gold leaf or glitter detail too, making them unique little gems to behold. Prints start at £15 - £100 for larger works. I'll have some originals too and if you are after a commission, come along and have a chat. I also have brand new Christmas cards and postcards too.
Lots of artists, designers and makers from Wasps are taking part and we have invited special guest artists and designers too so the 4th floor will be a beautiful hub of Christmassy loveliness, with a great selection of handmade art, drawings, crafts, jewellery, ceramics, stationary, trinkets, scarves, prints, paintings and much more….. and to top it off some homemade baking, refreshments and mulled wine!
It’s a great opportunity to buy local and direct from artists, makers and designers.
Located 4th Floor, Wasps Artists Studios, Meadow Mill, West Hendersons Wynd, Dundee, DD1 5BYSome of the designers, makers and artists include: Amy Louise Butress, Judy Scott, Scarlett Erskine, Freya Cummings, Just Judith Design, Louise Kirby, Siobhan Morison, Joanne McFadyen, Holly McAfee, Jennifer Robson, Jonathan Hood, Nicola Morrison, Theresa Lynn, Claire Adholla from The Haberdashery Project, Yasmin Lawson, Cathrine Holtet, Jerry from CR/AFT, Nicki Bradwell, Mitchell and Black Textile, Tayberry Gallery, Whimsical Lush.For full event info please follow this link – facebook.com/groups/1541659059387858/Please share this event and invite anyone you think wouold like to come along.
Looking forward to seeing you,
Jennifer Robson

WASPS Open Studios Dundee 2015
It has been a while but I am back! In case you didn't know I've been off ill for over a year with a new diagnosis of Crohn's Disease - which is a total bummer (groan). However with medicine and diet I've managed to kick it into submission (fingers crossed for a long time) so I am back with my exhibition hat on and plotting to take over the world again. Hoorah!
It's WASPS Open Studios next month on Saturday and Sunday 24th and 25th 12 -5 pm. I hope you can come along and celebrate my return to life as we know it with me - and view some of my new work in the process! For more inofrmation on the event please click on the image above.
I've been busy making a new body of work, new signature 'blue drawings' exploring themes of hair, fur and feathers and also my gestural and emotive drawings of horses, where I use the guise of 'horse' as a metaphor for the self. The new work is a response to my anxiety and depression over the last few years. I will have these on show framed and ready for your perusal and/or buying pleasure. I'll also have limited edition prints available of popular works like 'The Blue Hare', my blue hair drawings and a few horses, portraits and wolves too.
There is lots to see as usual with over 30 studios opening featuring jewellery, design, sculpture, painting, drawing, installation and anything else you can name! There are events throughout the day too for children to come and draw and studio tours. This should be our best yet.
Looking forward to seeing you,
Jennifer Robson

Artfinder - New work added
I now have an Artfinder shop where you can buy my work and have it shipped anywhere in the world. New works added weekly and coming soon I will have a landscape pastels sale.

NEW - My Folksy Shop
If you are after a print you can now buy limited edition and poster prints of my work form my new Folksy shop. including the limited edition run of The Blue Hare. Just click on this link to view what I have in stock. I shall be adding smaller sculptures and drawings, and jewellery over the coming months.

Albino animals
Recent sale here of 'The White Hare' in pastels. New work on animal mythology and folklore, led me to be attracted to albino animals.Connotations of simplicity and purity are associated with white. What happens when I draw animals in white instead of their natural colour?

Welcome to my new website - finally!
Made it all myself using WIX, what a brilliant programme...great to see all my achievements in one place. Feels gooood. :)

The Blue Hare - Print now available
Now available- a beautiful giclee print of 'The Blue Hare'. Winner of an Angus council Winter exhibition purchase prize at the Meffan gallery and Museum in 2011, the piece is a collectors treat. The original is held in Angus Council Collections. The print is £100 please get in touch if you would like one via my contact page.
To interact with Jennifer Robson you can follow her on any of these social media platforms.
Just click these buttons. :)